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Titles beginning with C

Displaying 11001 to 11100 of 19,454 titles
Title Author ISBN / Product Code Format Publisher Pub. Date Available Stock AU RRP NZ RRP
Complex Geometric Analysis in Pohang 9780821809570 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/10/1998 OUT OF STOCK 220.00 242.00
Complex Geometry and Lie Theory A. Carlson, James 9780821814925 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/07/1991 OUT OF STOCK 235.40 258.94
Complex Geometry from Riemann to K Ji, Lizhen 9781571463524 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/12/2018 OUT OF STOCK 184.80 203.28
Complex Geometry of Groups 9780821813812 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/08/1999 OUT OF STOCK 220.00 242.00
Complex Graphs and Networks R. K. Chung, Fan 9780821836576 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/08/2006 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Complex Hunter Gatherers C Prentiss, William 9780874809244 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/08/2007 OUT OF STOCK 77.00 84.70
Complex Hunter Gatherers C Prentiss, William 9780874807936 HARDBACK Eurospan 15/09/2004 OUT OF STOCK 93.50 102.85
Complex Interpolation between Hilbert, B Pisier, Gilles 9780821848425 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2010 OUT OF STOCK 124.30 136.73
Complex Justice M. Dunn, Joshua 9781469614618 PAPERBACK Eurospan 28/02/2014 PRINT TO ORD 63.80 70.18
Complex Justice M. Dunn, Joshua 9780807831397 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/04/2008 OUT OF STOCK 80.30 88.33
Complex Light and Optical Forces 9780819465962 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/2007 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Light and Optical Forces II 9780819470805 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/01/2007 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Light and Optical Forces III 9780819474735 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/05/2009 OUT OF STOCK 118.80 130.68
Complex Light and Optical Forces IV Galvez, Enrique 9780819480095 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/03/2010 OUT OF STOCK 135.30 148.83
Complex Light and Optical Forces IX Galvez, Enrique 9781628414691 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/07/2015 OUT OF STOCK 135.30 148.83
Complex Light and Optical Forces V Andrews, David 9780819484871 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/05/2011 OUT OF STOCK 135.30 148.83
Complex Light and Optical Forces VI Galvez, Enrique 9780819489173 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/03/2012 OUT OF STOCK 152.90 168.19
Complex Light and Optical Forces VII Glückstad, Jesper 9780819494061 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/05/2013 OUT OF STOCK 152.90 168.19
Complex Light and Optical Forces VIII Andrews, David 9780819499127 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/04/2014 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Light and Optical Forces X Glückstad, Jesper 9781628419993 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2016 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Light and Optical Forces XI Andrews, David 9781510606814 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2017 OUT OF STOCK 152.90 168.19
Complex Light and Optical Forces XII Galvez, Enrique 9781510615830 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/07/2018 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Made Simple C. Ullrich, David 9780821844793 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/12/2008 OUT OF STOCK 228.80 251.68
Complex Manifolds 9780821840559 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/03/2006 OUT OF STOCK 116.60 128.26
Complex Manifolds and Contact Manifolds De, U.C. 9781842655542 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/01/2009 OUT OF STOCK 67.10 73.81
Complex Manifolds and Hyperbolic Geometr 9780821829578 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2002 OUT OF STOCK 220.00 242.00
Complex Mediums Lakhtakia 9780819437426 PAPERBACK Eurospan 31/08/2000 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Mediums Mccall 9780819450913 PAPERBACK Eurospan 31/10/2003 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Mediums Ii Beyond Linear Isotrop Konov 9780819441812 PAPERBACK Eurospan Unavailable OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Mediums III Lakhtakia 9780819445742 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/2002 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Mediums V 9780819454461 PAPERBACK Eurospan 31/08/2004 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Mediums VI 9780819459299 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/08/2005 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Multiplication and Lifting Probl Chai, Ching-Li 9781470410148 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/01/2014 OUT OF STOCK 218.90 240.79
Complex Numbers and Geometry Hahn, Liang-shin 9780883855102 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/12/1994 OUT OF STOCK 77.00 84.70
Complex Numbers and Geometry Hahn, Liang-shin 9781470451820 PAPERBACK Eurospan 28/02/2020 OUT OF STOCK 84.70 93.17
Complex Photonic Media 9780819463999 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2006 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Political Victims Bouris, Erica 9781565492325 PAPERBACK LYNNE RIENNER 15/02/2007 OUT OF STOCK 46.20 50.82
Complex Political Victims Bouris, Erica 9781565492325 PAPERBACK LYNNE RIENNER 28/02/2007 OUT OF STOCK 46.20 50.82
Complex Proofs of Real Theorems D. Lax, Peter 9780821875599 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/03/2012 OUT OF STOCK 116.60 128.26
Complex Rivalry Mohan, Surinder 9780472075591 HARDBACK Eurospan 06/10/2022 OUT OF STOCK 144.10 158.51
Complex Rivalry Mohan, Surinder 9780472055593 PAPERBACK Eurospan 06/10/2022 OUT OF STOCK 68.20 75.02
Complex Sleep Tost, Tony 9781587296215 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/10/2007 OUT OF STOCK 27.50 30.25
Complex Systems 9780819460707 PAPERBACK Eurospan 01/01/2006 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Systems & Archaeology Alexander Bentley, R 9780874807592 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/08/2003 OUT OF STOCK 42.90 47.19
Complex Systems & Archaeology Alexander Bentley, R 9780874807554 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/08/2003 OUT OF STOCK 93.50 102.85
Complex Systems and Sustainability in th C. Nwogugu, Michael 9781799874188 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/05/2021 PRINT TO ORD 364.10 400.51
Complex Systems and Sustainability in th C. Nwogugu, Michael 9781799874195 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/05/2021 PRINT TO ORD 279.40 307.34
Complex Systems Engineering Flumerfel, Shannon 9781624105647 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/10/2019 OUT OF STOCK 203.50 223.85
Complex Systems II 9780819469731 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/12/2007 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complex Systems in the Social and Behavi W. Elliott, Euel 9780472054886 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/2021 OUT OF STOCK 68.20 75.02
Complex Systems in the Social and Behavi Douglas Kiel, L. 9780472074884 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/06/2021 OUT OF STOCK 144.10 158.51
Complex Systems, Sustainability and Inno Thomas, Ciza 9789535128410 HARDBACK Eurospan 14/12/2016 OUT OF STOCK 265.10 291.61
Complex Text Decoded T. Glass, Kathy 9781416620372 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2015 OUT OF STOCK 49.50 54.45
Complex Tori and Abelian Varieties 9780821831656 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/07/2005 OUT OF STOCK 88.00 96.80
Complex Variables L. Taylor, Joseph 9780821869017 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/10/2011 OUT OF STOCK 144.10 158.51
Complex Variables S. Kasana, H. 9788120326415 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/07/2004 OUT OF STOCK 34.10 37.51
Complex Variables and Analytic Functions Fornberg, Bengt 9781611975970 PAPERBACK Eurospan 28/02/2020 OUT OF STOCK 147.40 162.14
Complex Variables and Special Functions Patra, Baidyanath 9788120348578 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/04/2014 OUT OF STOCK 40.70 44.77
Complex-valued Neural Networks Nitta, Tohru 9781605662145 HARDBACK Eurospan 28/02/2009 PRINT TO ORD 330.00 363.00
Complexes Associated to Two Vectors and 9780821820735 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/08/2000 OUT OF STOCK 93.50 102.85
Complexion of Empire in Natchez Pinnen, Christian 9780820358529 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2022 PRINT TO ORD 59.40 65.34
Complexions of Empire(s) Pinnen, Christian 9780820358505 HARDBACK Eurospan 28/02/2021 PRINT TO ORD 102.30 112.53
Complexities and Strategies of Occupatio ul Haque, Adnan 9781668439371 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/06/2022 PRINT TO ORD 498.30 548.13
Complexity and Nonlinear Dynamics 9780819465252 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/04/2007 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Complexity and Resilience Sadat Nickayin, Samaneh 9788770226493 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/10/2021 OUT OF STOCK 81.40 89.54
Complexity and Resilience Sadat Nickayin, Samaneh 9788770226493 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/11/2021 OUT OF STOCK 81.40 89.54
Complexity Classifications of Boolean Co Creignou, Nadia 9780898714791 HARDBACK Eurospan 31/03/2001 OUT OF STOCK 149.60 164.56
Complexity in a Ditch T. Lovin, Hugh 9780874223538 PAPERBACK Eurospan 06/11/2017 OUT OF STOCK 46.20 50.82
Complexity in Biological and Physical Sy L 9781789230505 HARDBACK Eurospan 02/05/2018 OUT OF STOCK 265.10 291.61
Complexity Leadership M. Crowell, Diana 9780803645295 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2015 OUT OF STOCK 110.00 121.00
Complexity Leadership M. Crowell, Diana 9780803622333 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/12/2010 OUT OF STOCK 78.10 85.91
Complexity Leadership M. Crowell, Diana F.A. Davis Company 9780803699069 PAPERBACK Eurospan 09/01/2020 OUT OF STOCK 125.40 137.94
Complexity Lower Bounds using Linear Alg Lokam, Satya 9781601982421 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/07/2009 PRINT TO ORD 168.30 185.13
Complexity of Computation 9780821813270 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/12/1974 OUT OF STOCK 115.50 127.05
Complexity of Linear Boolean Operators Jukna, Stasys 9781601987266 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/10/2013 PRINT TO ORD 152.90 168.19
Complexity of Proofs and Their Transform 9780821845769 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/10/1993 OUT OF STOCK 279.40 307.34
Complexity Science, Living Systems, and Orsucci, Franco 9781466620773 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/09/2012 PRINT TO ORD 330.00 363.00
Complexity Theory, Game Theory, and Econ Roughgarden, Tim 9781680836547 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/03/2020 PRINT TO ORD 168.30 185.13
Complexity, Institutions and Economic Ac Dalton, Thomas 9780757563539 SPIRAL BOUND Eurospan 22/05/2009 OUT OF STOCK 66.00 72.60
Complexity, Institutions and Economic Ac Dalton, Thomas 9780757578175 SPIRAL BOUND Eurospan 06/08/2010 OUT OF STOCK 88.00 96.80
Complexity, Institutions and Economic Ac Dalton, Thomas 9780757593888 PAPERBACK Eurospan 22/06/2011 OUT OF STOCK 68.20 75.02
Compliance Assurance for the Safe Transp IAEA IAEA 9789201419224 PAPERBACK Eurospan 31/07/2023 OUT OF STOCK 91.30 100.43
Compliance Assurance for the Safe Transp IAEA IAEA 9789203012164 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/03/2019 OUT OF STOCK 36.30 39.93
Compliance Assurance for the Safe Transp IAEA IAEA 9789201003942 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/1994 OUT OF STOCK 47.30 52.03
Compliance Assurance for the Safe Transp IAEA IAEA 9789201102089 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/2009 OUT OF STOCK 36.30 39.93
Compliance Guide for the Medical Practic 9781579477813 OTHER MERCHANDISE Eurospan 30/08/2006 OUT OF STOCK 169.40 186.34
Complicated Cases in GI Kalloo, Anthony 9781556428111 HARDBACK Eurospan 15/02/2009 OUT OF STOCK 321.20 353.32
Complicated Cases in GI Kalloo, Anthony 9781556428111 HARDBACK Eurospan 28/02/2009 OUT OF STOCK 321.20 353.32
Complications Sito, Giuseppe 9788897438762 HARDBACK Eurospan 01/02/2023 OUT OF STOCK 215.60 237.16
Complications During Cataract Surgery: A H. Osher, Robert 9781560559825 DVD VIDEO Eurospan 30/10/2009 OUT OF STOCK 160.60 176.66
Complications During Cataract Surgery: A H. Osher, Robert 9781615253579 DVD VIDEO Eurospan 30/11/2012 OUT OF STOCK 160.60 176.66
Complications During Cataract Surgery: P H. Osher, Robert 9781615251995 DVD VIDEO Eurospan 30/11/2010 OUT OF STOCK 160.60 176.66
Complications During Cataract Surgery: T H. Osher, Robert 9781615252794 DVD VIDEO Eurospan 30/12/2011 OUT OF STOCK 160.60 176.66
Complications in Ocular Surgery Agarwal, Amar 9781617110542 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/12/2012 OUT OF STOCK 254.10 279.51
Complications of Pregnancy Abduljabbar, Hassan 9781838804886 HARDBACK Eurospan 12/06/2019 OUT OF STOCK 265.10 291.61
Complications of the Heart Naomi Carlson, Nancy 9781881515562 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/2003 OUT OF STOCK 14.30 15.73
Complicial Sets Characterising the Simpl Verity, Dominic 9780821841426 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/04/2008 OUT OF STOCK 135.30 148.83
Complicity in International Law Liakopoulos, Dimitris 9781680531367 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/09/2020 PRINT TO ORD 422.40 464.64
Complimentary and Alternative Medicine College of Obstetricians and Gynecologis 9781934984086 PAPERBACK Eurospan 28/02/2012 OUT OF STOCK 59.40 65.34
Component & Systems Diagonistics Prognos Willett 9780819440846 PAPERBACK Eurospan Unavailable OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02

Price and availability information last updated Fri 20 Dec, 2024 at 8:20:05 PM

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