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Displaying 12901 to 13000 of 15,525 titles
Title Author ISBN / Product Code Format Publisher Pub. Date Available Stock AU RRP NZ RRP
Proceedings of the Sixth International C Lin, Chang-Shou 9781571463494 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2017 OUT OF STOCK 84.70 93.17
Proceedings of the Sixth International C Lin, Chang-Shou 9781571463500 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/10/2017 OUT OF STOCK 127.60 140.36
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOLAR ENERGY CONFEREN 9780791847374 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2005 OUT OF STOCK 422.40 464.64
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPRING TECHNICAL CONF 9780791836699 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/04/2003 OUT OF STOCK 365.20 401.72
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPRING TECHNICAL CONF 9780791841846 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/05/2005 OUT OF STOCK 203.50 223.85
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPRING TECHNICAL CONF 9780791837535 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/04/2005 OUT OF STOCK 338.80 372.68
Proceedings of the St Petersburg Mathema 9780821827901 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/04/2001 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821803875 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/06/1995 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821806135 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/09/1998 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821813904 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/07/1999 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821821121 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/06/2000 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821829417 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/04/2002 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821834053 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/09/2003 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem Uraltseva, N.N. 9780821838617 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/09/2005 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821842041 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/11/2006 OUT OF STOCK 194.70 214.17
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821842058 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/11/2006 OUT OF STOCK 168.30 185.13
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821844618 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/04/2008 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821848029 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/12/2009 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings Of The St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821875056 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/03/1993 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem 9780821875100 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/11/1994 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathem Apushkinskaya, Darya 9781470415518 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/09/2014 OUT OF STOCK 295.90 325.49
PROCEEDINGS OF THE STLE/ASME INTERNATION 9780791837894 CD-ROM Eurospan 30/10/2006 OUT OF STOCK 507.10 557.81
PROCEEDINGS OF THE STLE/ASME JOINT TRIBO 9780791842591 PAPERBACK Eurospan 28/02/2007 OUT OF STOCK 608.30 669.13
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUMMER HEAT TRANSFER 9780791847329 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2005 OUT OF STOCK 422.40 464.64
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUMMER HEAT TRANSFER 9780791847312 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2005 OUT OF STOCK 405.90 446.49
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUMMER HEAT TRANSFER 9780791847336 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2005 OUT OF STOCK 422.40 464.64
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUMMER HEAT TRANSFER 9780791847343 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2005 OUT OF STOCK 440.00 484.00
Proceedings of the Symposium on Interfac 9780791819692 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/1999 OUT OF STOCK 118.80 130.68
Proceedings of the Third Midwestern Conf Research Institute, Engineering 9780472751280 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/01/1957 PRINT TO ORD 61.60 67.76
Proceedings of the Third South Asia Judi Development Bank, Asian Asian Developmen 9789292570583 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/08/2015 OUT OF STOCK 40.70 44.77
Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Colloqui Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic 9781563472510 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/11/1997 OUT OF STOCK 160.60 176.66
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TURBO EXPO: POWER FOR 9780791836842 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2003 OUT OF STOCK 422.40 464.64
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TURBO EXPO: POWER FOR 9780791836859 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2003 OUT OF STOCK 371.80 408.98
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TURBO EXPO: POWER FOR 9780791836866 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2003 OUT OF STOCK 338.80 372.68
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TURBO EXPO: POWER FOR 9780791836873 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2003 OUT OF STOCK 338.80 372.68
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TURBO EXPO:POWER FOR 9780791836880 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2003 OUT OF STOCK 456.50 502.15
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TURBO EXPO:POWER FOR 9780791836897 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2003 OUT OF STOCK 507.10 557.81
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Colloqu Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, In 9780930403089 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/04/1986 OUT OF STOCK 101.20 111.32
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Colloqui of the Law of Outer Space, Colloquium Co 9780915928507 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/12/1981 OUT OF STOCK 84.70 93.17
Proceedings of the UNC CBE Summit 2017 Sol 9781469641928 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/12/2017 PRINT TO ORD 27.50 30.25
PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORLD TRIBOLOGY CONGR 9780791837672 CD-ROM Eurospan 30/09/2005 OUT OF STOCK 1005.40 1105.94
PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORLD TRIBOLOGY CONGR 9780791842010 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/12/2005 OUT OF STOCK 440.00 484.00
PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORLD TRIBOLOGY CONGR 9780791842027 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/12/2005 OUT OF STOCK 440.00 484.00
Proceedings of Turbo Expo 2000 (CD-Rom) 9780791819906 CD-ROM Eurospan 30/05/2000 OUT OF STOCK 1005.40 1105.94
PROCEEDINGS OF TURBO EXPO 2001:CD-ROM (I 9780791835289 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/05/2001 OUT OF STOCK 1005.40 1105.94
PROCEEDINGS OF TURBO EXPOCO-LOCATED WITH 9780791836712 CD-ROM Eurospan 30/06/2003 OUT OF STOCK 1098.90 1208.79
Proceedings of Ultrasensitive Laboratory Cohn 9780819411228 PAPERBACK Eurospan 31/12/1993 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Proceedings on Moonshine and Other Topic 9780821828793 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/12/2001 OUT OF STOCK 168.30 185.13
Proceedings Second International Confere M. Patnaik, L. 9788190694247 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/12/2013 OUT OF STOCK 343.20 377.52
Proceedings Third International Conferen M. Patnaik, L. 9789380026725 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/08/2009 OUT OF STOCK 491.70 540.87
Proceedings: C. S. Peirce Bicentennial I L. Ketner, Kenneth 9780896720749 PAPERBACK Eurospan 15/01/1981 OUT OF STOCK 84.70 93.17
Proceedings: C. S. Peirce Bicentennial I L. Ketner, Kenneth 9780896720756 HARDBACK Eurospan 15/01/1981 OUT OF STOCK 127.60 140.36
Proceedings: Congress of the Internation Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Intern 9780930403164 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/1986 OUT OF STOCK 2.20 2.42
Process & Equipment Control In Microelec Fallon 9780819441065 PAPERBACK Eurospan Unavailable OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Analysis, Design, and Intensific Silva Santana, Harrson 9781522586319 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/01/2019 PRINT TO ORD 279.40 307.34
Process Analysis, Design, and Intensific Silva Santana, Harrson 9781522571384 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/01/2019 PRINT TO ORD 364.10 400.51
Process Analyzer Systems Project Enginee D. Nichols, Gary 9781945541186 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/01/2018 OUT OF STOCK 169.40 186.34
Process and Equipment Control In Microel Narasimhan 9780819432223 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/04/1999 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process and Expression in Architectural Birkerts, Gunnar 9780806126425 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/08/1994 OUT OF STOCK 72.60 79.86
Process and Materials Characterization a Tobin 9780819448460 PAPERBACK Eurospan 31/07/2003 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Biotechnology Fundamentals Narayan Mukhopadhyay, Satya 9788130929590 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/08/2015 OUT OF STOCK 88.00 96.80
Process Biotechnology Fundamentals Mukhopadhyay, S.N. 9789388386890 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/2019 OUT OF STOCK 51.70 56.87
Process Biotechnology Fundamentals Mukhopadhyay, S.N. 9789388971041 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/2019 OUT OF STOCK 51.70 56.87
Process Control Platt, G. 9781556176333 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/1998 OUT OF STOCK 100.10 110.11
Process Control & Diagnostics Miller 9780819438430 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/2006 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Control and Automation Gacovski, Zoran 9781774699164 HARDBACK Eurospan 31/03/2024 OUT OF STOCK 338.80 372.68
Process Control and Sensors For Manufact Bossi 9780819428486 PAPERBACK Eurospan 31/03/1998 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Control and Sensors For Manufact Pepper 9780819430595 PAPERBACK Eurospan 28/02/1999 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Control and Yarn Quality in Spin Thilagavathi, G. 9789380308357 HARDBACK Eurospan 01/09/2015 OUT OF STOCK 294.80 324.28
Process Control and Yarn Quality in Spin Thilagavathi, G. 9789380308357 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/06/2015 OUT OF STOCK 294.80 324.28
Process Control Basics Buckbee, George 9781643311302 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/10/2021 OUT OF STOCK 137.50 151.25
Process Control Case Histories K. McMillan, Gregory 9781606501764 PAPERBACK Eurospan 15/03/2010 PRINT TO ORD 62.70 68.97
Process Control Engineering Sai Krishna, P. 9789380026398 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/12/2013 OUT OF STOCK 47.30 52.03
Process Equipment & Materials Control In Iturralde 9780819422743 PAPERBACK Eurospan 13/09/1996 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Equipment & Materials Control In Ghanbari 9780819426451 PAPERBACK Eurospan 25/08/1997 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Equipment & Materials Control In Raaijmakers 9780819420039 PAPERBACK Eurospan Unavailable OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Equipment and Materials Control Dang 9780819429667 PAPERBACK Eurospan 31/10/1998 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Equipment and Materials Control Toprac 9780819434791 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/1999 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Groups Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628257830 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/11/2022 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups (Arabic Edition) Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628258004 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2023 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups (Brazilian Portuguese Edi Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628257946 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2023 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups (French Edition) Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628257922 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2023 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups (German Edition) Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628257960 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2023 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups (Italian Edition) Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628257984 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2023 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups (Korean Edition) Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628258042 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2023 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups (Russian Edition) Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628258073 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2023 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups (Simplified Chinese Editi Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628258028 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2023 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups (Spanish Edition) Management Institute PMI, Project Projec 9781628257908 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/09/2023 OUT OF STOCK 102.30 112.53
Process Groups Poster Management Institute, Project Project Ma 9781628257854 POSTER Eurospan 30/11/2022 OUT OF STOCK 34.10 37.51
Process Heat Transfer K. Das, Sarit 9781842650462 HARDBACK Eurospan 30/01/2005 OUT OF STOCK 134.20 147.62
Process Heat Transfer Hewitt, Geoffrey 9781567001495 HARDBACK Eurospan 31/01/1994 OUT OF STOCK 194.70 214.17
Process Imaging For Automatic Control Mccann 9780819438539 PAPERBACK Eurospan 02/02/2001 OUT OF STOCK 178.20 196.02
Process Improvement and Organizational L Kock, Ned 9781878289582 HARDBACK Eurospan 28/02/1999 OUT OF STOCK 84.70 93.17
Process Improvement to Company Enrichmen Plung, Daniel 9781637424261 PAPERBACK Eurospan 24/02/2023 PRINT TO ORD 59.40 65.34
Process Industries Division 2005 9780791842270 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/03/2006 OUT OF STOCK 118.80 130.68
Process Instrumentation, Control, and Dy Renganathan Sharma, Kal 9781609275082 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/01/2012 OUT OF STOCK 223.30 245.63
Process Learning Fradkin-Hayslip, Ann 9781793543493 PAPERBACK Eurospan 27/07/2023 PRINT TO ORD 102.30 112.53
Process Mapping and Management Conger, Sue 9781606491294 PAPERBACK Eurospan 30/06/2011 PRINT TO ORD 74.80 82.28

Price and availability information last updated Fri 20 Dec, 2024 at 8:20:05 PM

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