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Displaying 12101 to 12200 of 16,397 titles
Title Author ISBN / Product Code Format Publisher Pub. Date Available Stock AU RRP NZ RRP
Diseases of the Colon WEXNER 9780824729998 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 18/09/2006 OUT OF STOCK 504.00 564.00
Diseases of the ENT in Children - CLARKE CLARKE 9781138579347 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 23/09/2022 IN STOCK 90.99 102.00
Diseases of the ENT in Children - CLARKE CLARKE 9781138579422 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 23/09/2022 PRINT TO ORD 221.00 247.00
Diseases of the Wistar Rat TUCKER 9780748405213 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 21/05/1997 PRINT TO ORD 504.00 564.00
Diseases of Tropical Tree Crops MARIAU 9781578081752 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 10/01/2001 OUT OF STOCK 118.00 138.00
Diseases, Pests and Disorders of Potatoe WALE 9781840760217 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 11/04/2008 OUT OF STOCK 221.00 247.00
Disembedded Markets - Deutschmann DEUTSCHMANN 9780367661168 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 30/09/2020 OUT OF STOCK 88.99 98.99
Disembedded Markets - Deutschmann DEUTSCHMANN 9781138614024 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 28/02/2019 PRINT TO ORD 284.00 318.00
Disenchantment, Skepticism, and the EM N DELEHANTY 9781032390475 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 16/12/2022 PRINT TO ORD 263.00 294.00
Disenchantment, Skepticism, and the EM N DELEHANTY 9781032390482 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 16/12/2022 PRINT TO ORD 75.99 84.99
Disenfranchised Grief TURNER 9781032268903 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 25/07/2023 PRINT TO ORD 62.99 70.99
Disenfranchised Grief TURNER 9781032268910 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 25/07/2023 PRINT TO ORD 252.00 282.00
Disengagement from Southwest Africa GILMAN 9781138509245 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 18/12/2020 OUT OF STOCK 83.99 93.99
Disengagement from Southwest Africa KAHN 9780887383618 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 30/01/1991 OUT OF STOCK 210.00 235.00
Disengagement From The State In Africa AZARYA 9780813300849 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group Unavailable OUT OF STOCK 179.00 200.00
Disengaging from Terrorism-Lessons Turki YILMAZ 9781138079182 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 10/05/2017 PRINT TO ORD 56.99 63.99
Disengaging from Terrorism-Lessons Turki YILMAZ 9780415719049 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 22/04/2014 PRINT TO ORD 200.00 224.00
DISEQUIL TRAD THEOR,HAR A/V3 ITOH 9780415753630 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 03/04/2014 PRINT TO ORD 92.99 104.00
DISEQUIL TRAD THEOR,HAR A/V3 ITOH 9780415269117 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 06/12/2001 OUT OF STOCK 546.00 611.00
Disequilbrium Trade Theories ITOH 9783718604128 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 01/01/1987 OUT OF STOCK 77.99 86.99
Disestablishing the School TOOLEY 9781859720530 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 07/09/1995 OUT OF STOCK 183.00 205.00
Disestablishing the School TOOLEY 9781138279223 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 28/07/2017 PRINT TO ORD 60.99 68.99
Disestablishment of the CoE; Dickinson DICKINSON 9781138206113 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group Unavailable OUT OF STOCK 221.00 247.00
Disguise on the Early Modern English Sta HYLAND 9781138257931 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 11/11/2016 PRINT TO ORD 105.00 118.00
Disguise on the Early Modern English Sta HYLAND 9780754641520 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 28/06/2011 PRINT TO ORD 305.00 341.00
Disguising Disease in Italian Political HECKER 9781032466798 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 30/08/2024 PRINT TO ORD 284.00 318.00
Disgust MILLER 9780881633870 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 07/05/2004 PRINT TO ORD 103.00 116.00
Disgust MILLER 9781138005754 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 11/09/2014 PRINT TO ORD 90.99 102.00
Disgust in Early Modern English Literatu ESCHENBAUM 9780367175733 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 17/01/2019 PRINT TO ORD 92.99 104.00
Disgust in Early Modern English Literatu ESCHENBAUM 9781472440044 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 03/05/2016 PRINT TO ORD 315.00 353.00
Dishes and Discourse - van Gelder GELDER 9780700711741 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 26/10/1999 OUT OF STOCK 284.00 318.00
Dishes and Discourse - van Gelder PB Dir GELDER 9780415595780 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 22/02/2011 PRINT TO ORD 114.00 127.00
Disillusionment GUTMANN 9781849404365 Acquisition eBook Taylor & Francis Group 10/01/2005 OUT OF STOCK 27.00 29.00
Disillusionment GUTMANN 9781855753716 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 10/01/2005 OUT OF STOCK 46.99 51.99
Disillusionment GUTMANN 9780367324124 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 31/07/2019 OUT OF STOCK 273.00 306.00
Disillusionment or New Opportunities? WILSON 9781840142761 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 28/12/1998 OUT OF STOCK 252.00 282.00
Disillusionment or New Opportunities? (1 WILSON 9781138311800 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 30/06/2020 OUT OF STOCK 69.99 77.99
Disillusionment or New Opportunities? (1 WILSON 9781138311770 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 09/11/2018 PRINT TO ORD 252.00 282.00
Disinf., Narr. & Memory Pol. in Russia & LEGUCKA 9781032251110 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 29/01/2024 PRINT TO ORD 83.99 93.99
Disinf., Narr. & Memory Pol. in Russia & LEGUCKA 9781032251103 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 05/07/2022 PRINT TO ORD 284.00 318.00
Disinfection & Decontamination Principle MANIVANNAN 9780849390746 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 04/10/2007 OUT OF STOCK 389.00 435.00
Disinfection and Decontamination MOLDENHAUER 9780815379010 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 05/12/2018 OUT OF STOCK 315.00 353.00
Disinfection and Decontamination MOLDENHAUER 9781032653150 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 02/10/2023 OUT OF STOCK 96.99 109.00
Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatm MINEAR 9780367448721 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 03/12/2019 PRINT TO ORD 124.00 139.00
Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatm MINEAR 9781566701365 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 18/12/1995 PRINT TO ORD 452.00 506.00
Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Wate XIE 9781566769747 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 27/08/2003 OUT OF STOCK 126.00 141.00
Disinformation and Manipulation in Digit CULLOTY 9780367515256 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 31/05/2023 PRINT TO ORD 39.99 44.99
Disinformation and Manipulation in Digit CULLOTY 9780367515270 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 08/02/2021 PRINT TO ORD 110.00 123.00
Disinherited Majority DERBER 9781612058313 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 27/02/2015 PRINT TO ORD 368.00 412.00
Disinherited Majority DERBER 9781612058320 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 27/02/2015 PRINT TO ORD 77.99 86.99
Disintegrating Indonesia Impl Region Sec HUXLEY 9780198516682 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 15/02/2005 PRINT TO ORD 52.99 58.99
Disintegration Demise Soviet Union HARMSTONE 9781138703919 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group Unavailable OUT OF STOCK 212.00 234.00
Disintegration of Soviet Eco Syst (RLE S ELLMAN 9781032484754 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 15/12/2024 PRINT TO ORD 62.99 70.99
Disintegration of Soviet Eco Syst (RLE S ELLMAN 9781032484730 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 14/06/2023 PRINT TO ORD 231.00 259.00
Disintegration of the Warsaw Pact, 1985- BILY 9781032367187 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 26/08/2024 PRINT TO ORD 83.99 93.99
Disintegration of the Warsaw Pact, 1985- BILY 9781032367163 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 30/12/2022 OUT OF STOCK 326.00 365.00
Disintegrative Tendencies in GPE (Patoma PATOMAKI 9780367357573 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 05/09/2019 PRINT TO ORD 58.99 65.99
Disintegrative Tendencies in GPE (Patoma PATOMAKI 9781138065307 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 24/10/2017 OUT OF STOCK 77.99 86.99
Disjunctivism WILLASCHEK 9780415623063 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 18/09/2012 PRINT TO ORD 284.00 318.00
Disjunctivism WILLASCHEK 9781032929422 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 14/10/2024 OUT OF STOCK 83.99 93.99
Disjunctivism (NPP) - Soteriou SOTERIOU 9780415686211 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 20/04/2016 PRINT TO ORD 315.00 353.00
Disjunctivism (NPP) - Soteriou SOTERIOU 9780415686228 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 12/04/2016 PRINT TO ORD 88.99 98.99
Disk-Based Algorithms for Big Data HEALEY 9781138196186 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 07/12/2016 OUT OF STOCK 126.00 141.00
Disk-Based Algorithms for Big Data HEALEY 9780367574154 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 30/06/2020 PRINT TO ORD 90.99 102.00
Dislocated Elements in Discourse, Shaer SHAER 9780415808194 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 15/08/2011 PRINT TO ORD 96.99 109.00
Dislocated Elements in Discourse, Shaer SHAER 9780415395984 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 22/12/2008 OUT OF STOCK 368.00 412.00
DISLOCATING CULTURES, 3RD WORLD PB NARAYAN 9780415914185 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 23/07/1997 PRINT TO ORD 326.00 365.00
DISLOCATING CULTURES, 3RD WORLD PB NARAYAN 9780415914192 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 23/07/1997 PRINT TO ORD 105.00 118.00
DISLOCATING MASCULINITY CORNWALL 9780415079419 new edition available Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 06/01/1994 OUT OF STOCK 263.00 294.00
DISLOCATING MASCULINITY CORNWALL 9780415079426 new edition available Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 06/01/1994 OUT OF STOCK 81.99 91.99
Dislocating Masculinity 2e - Cornwall & CORNWALL 9781138222229 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 19/12/2016 IN STOCK 92.99 104.00
Dislocating Masculinity 2e - Cornwall & CORNWALL 9781138222250 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 19/12/2016 PRINT TO ORD 284.00 318.00
Dislocation & Resettle Development-Chakr CHAKRABARTI 9780415502078 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 07/10/2011 PRINT TO ORD 114.00 127.00
Dislocation & Resettle in Development-Ch CHAKRABARTI 9780415494533 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 05/08/2009 PRINT TO ORD 305.00 341.00
Dislocation Theory for Engineers FAULKNER 9781861251244 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 01/01/2001 OUT OF STOCK 62.99 70.99
Dislocations in Solids SUZUKI 9789067640435 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 01/12/1985 OUT OF STOCK 315.00 353.00
Dislocations/ Relocations, Narratives of BAYNHAM 9781900650793 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 31/10/2005 IN STOCK 96.99 109.00
Dislocations/ Relocations, Narratives of BAYNHAM 9781138147386 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 17/05/2016 OUT OF STOCK 284.00 318.00
DISMANTLING BLACK MANHOOD BLACK 9780815328575 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 01/02/1997 PRINT TO ORD 305.00 341.00
DISMANTLING BLACK MANHOOD BLACK 9781138967786 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 29/02/2016 PRINT TO ORD 96.99 109.00
Dismantling Constructs of Whiteness in H NEELY 9780367465551 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 30/09/2022 IN STOCK 284.00 318.00
Dismantling Constructs of Whiteness in H NEELY 9781032326054 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 27/05/2024 PRINT TO ORD 81.99 91.99
Dismantling Contemporary Deficit Thinkin VALENCIA 9780415877091 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 06/04/2010 PRINT TO ORD 347.00 388.00
Dismantling Contemporary Deficit Thinkin VALENCIA 9780415877107 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 06/04/2010 PRINT TO ORD 103.00 116.00
Dismantling Diasporas CHRISTOU 9781138546714 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 05/02/2018 OUT OF STOCK 96.99 109.00
Dismantling Diasporas CHRISTOU 9781472430335 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 28/03/2015 OUT OF STOCK 284.00 318.00
Dismantling Diversity Management RACHELE 9780367880675 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 12/12/2019 OUT OF STOCK 83.99 93.99
Dismantling Diversity Management RACHELE 9781472456403 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 02/06/2017 PRINT TO ORD 284.00 318.00
Dismantling East-West Dichotomy - Hendry HENDRY 9780415545556 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 12/05/2009 PRINT TO ORD 92.99 104.00
Dismantling East-West Dichotomy - Hendry HENDRY 9780415397384 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 01/08/2006 PRINT TO ORD 305.00 341.00
Dismantling Educational Sexism through T PFEIFER 9780367751180 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 31/05/2023 PRINT TO ORD 81.99 91.99
Dismantling Educational Sexism through T PFEIFER 9780367751166 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 29/10/2021 PRINT TO ORD 284.00 318.00
Dismantling Orientalist Representations OSBORN 9781032456836 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 30/09/2024 PRINT TO ORD 273.00 306.00
Dismantling Ottoman Empire Uyanik UYANIK 9781138914025 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 25/09/2015 IN STOCK 315.00 353.00
Dismantling Ottoman Empire Uyanik RPD UYANIK 9781138099715 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 25/05/2017 PRINT TO ORD 101.00 113.00
Dismantling Rape Culture NICHOLLS 9780367546304 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 16/11/2020 PRINT TO ORD 284.00 318.00
Dismantling Rape Culture NICHOLLS 9780367643898 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group 30/05/2022 PRINT TO ORD 83.99 93.99
Dismantling Smuggling, Sanchez SANCHEZ 9780367425913 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group Unavailable OUT OF STOCK 231.00 259.00
Dismantling Smuggling, Sanchez SANCHEZ 9780367425920 Paperback Taylor & Francis Group Unavailable OUT OF STOCK 62.99 70.99
Dismantling The Command Economy In Easte HAVLIK 9780367016067 Hardback Taylor & Francis Group 18/04/2019 OUT OF STOCK 284.00 318.00

Price and availability information last updated Fri 20 Dec, 2024 at 8:20:05 PM

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